Amendment to Apostolic Constitution Complementary Norms Emphasizes Evangelism
The modification addresses a particular question of who is eligible for membership in the Ordinariate. Here is the modification in the Complementary Norms:5ยง2: A person who has been baptized in the...
View ArticleVATICAN CITY:Pope Modifies Norms for Catholics Seeking Anglican Ordinariate
A term coined by Blessed Pope John Paul II, the New Evangelization is the common term for bringing the Gospel to formerly Christian nations, and it can be seen in the new outreach to people who were...
View ArticleCHARLESTON,SC: Fr. Patrick Allen, married, leaves Anglicanism becomes RC Priest
When his daughter, Lucy, goes to Charleston Catholic School next year, she will be the only student whose father comes not only for parent conferences and class parties, but also to celebrate...
View ArticleOMAHA, NE: Roman Catholic Church receives former Anglican parish
Becoming part of the Catholic community was the highlight of the ceremony for Vicki Bohn, 69, a member of St. Barnabas for 12 years with her husband, Mel, 70.St. Barnabas left the Episcopal Church in...
View ArticleOrdinariate unveils new Mass text that draws on Cranmer
It began with words from the Church of England's Book of Common Prayer, first unveiled by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549: "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known and from whom...
View ArticleModified Liturgy Coming to Ordinariate Parishes in Advent (2184)
Humble Access - as it is colloquially known - was retained in the Anglican-use Mass, which was established by a 1980 Pastoral Provision for former Episcopalians and Anglicans by Blessed Pope John Paul...
View Article'All eyes are upon you', CDF Prefect tells Ordinariate
Image:ย Cardinal Mรผller's comments were made to the three ordinaries - Mgr Keith Newton of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in the UK, Mgr Jeffrey Steenson, Ordinary of the Personal...
View ArticleUK: New figures show almost 400 Catholic priests were Anglicans
Image:ย Professor Woodhead told The Tablet that the Church of England clergy represented in these figures began to leave their original Church from 1994, when the first women were ordained priests....
View ArticleAnglican Ordinariates Mark Five Years of Benedict XVI's Unitive Document (1395)
Image:ย In a quiet way, it was a remarkable, unplanned scene: Fathers Mark Lewis and Richard Kramer, who had begun their ministries as Episcopal priests, singing a hymn to the Virgin Mary with two...
View ArticleWhere do Episcopalians Go From Here?
Image:ย All of a sudden they get it, and that inquisitive look turns into curiosity. I then go on by telling them to imagine a combination between the old Latin mass, and the new vernacular mass. 'Mash...
View ArticleRoyal (Catholic) Happenings in England
Image:ย Cardinal Vincent Nichols, archbishop of Westminster, and Dr. Richard Chartres, Anglican bishop of London, will take part in the service, and they will have a public discussion beforehand about...
View ArticleHOUSTON, TX: Steven Lopes enthroned as first bishop of the Anglican Ordinariate
Image:ย The three prelates in attendance were the mitered monsignors from the three Anglican ordinariates: Monsignor Keith Newton, Our Lady of Walsingham Ordinariate in England and Wales; Monsignor...
View ArticleA Note from Monsignor Steenson on Papal Rejection of Ordinariate
To be in communion with Peter brings a confidence we never knew as Anglicans. Pope Francis understands the pilgrim character of our communities and will be a wise and caring pastor to us.END A Note...
View ArticleRowan Williams' aide slates ordinariate
Richardson said the former Archbishop, Dr Rowan Williams, and Pope Emeritus Benedict had had a good relationship but could talk "frankly" on points of contention.He told the Australian Broadcasting...
View ArticlePope notes Anglicans' efforts to understand setting up of ordinariate
In a public address, following private talks that last just over 30 minutes, Francis said he was "sure" the Anglican Ordinariate, erected in 2009, would "enable the spiritual, liturgical and pastoral...
View ArticleAmendment to Apostolic Constitution Complementary Norms Emphasizes Evangelism
The modification addresses a particular question of who is eligible for membership in the Ordinariate. Here is the modification in the Complementary Norms:5ยง2: A person who has been baptized in the...
View ArticleVATICAN CITY:Pope Modifies Norms for Catholics Seeking Anglican Ordinariate
A term coined by Blessed Pope John Paul II, the New Evangelization is the common term for bringing the Gospel to formerly Christian nations, and it can be seen in the new outreach to people who were...
View ArticleCHARLESTON,SC: Fr. Patrick Allen, married, leaves Anglicanism becomes RC Priest
When his daughter, Lucy, goes to Charleston Catholic School next year, she will be the only student whose father comes not only for parent conferences and class parties, but also to celebrate...
View ArticleOMAHA, NE: Roman Catholic Church receives former Anglican parish
Becoming part of the Catholic community was the highlight of the ceremony for Vicki Bohn, 69, a member of St. Barnabas for 12 years with her husband, Mel, 70.St. Barnabas left the Episcopal Church in...
View ArticleOrdinariate unveils new Mass text that draws on Cranmer
It began with words from the Church of England's Book of Common Prayer, first unveiled by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549: "Almighty God, unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known and from whom...
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