To be in communion with Peter brings a confidence we never knew as Anglicans. Pope Francis understands the pilgrim character of our communities and will be a wise and caring pastor to us.
A Note from Monsignor Steenson on Papal Rejection of Ordinariate
By Jeffrey Sttenson
March 15, 2013
My dear people,
We have received a number of inquiries from those who are concerned about what our new Pope's attitude may be toward the Ordinariates, occasioned by an anecdotal report from an Anglican bishop in Argentina.
It is important to remember that our Ordinariates were created by an apostolic constitution, thereby giving them real permanence and stability. But it is even more important to remember what it means to be Catholic, to have the full assurance that faith brings. Christ the Good Shepherd entrusted the governance of the Church to St. Peter and his successors.